Six-Week Mindfulness & Meditation Introductory Course in English - Holom

Du au

De 10h00 à 12h00



Cost: 90€ introductory offer, 75€ early bird for inscriptions until March 17th 2024. Spaces at reduced cost available (concessions). Weekly sessions from April 13th onwards, there is NO session on May 18th (instead the last session will be on 25th May).

Discover mindfulness and meditation in theory + practice and how to benefit from both in daily life. This course is based on the Mindfulness Training Institute's 'SIT Course' (Six-Week Introductory Training in Mindfulness) curriculum for beginners.

This course is right for you, if you want to learn about the basics of mindfulness and meditation in a secular setting. No previous mindfulness / meditation required.
A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that mindfulness practice can play a role in:

  • Reducing stress, anxiety, and emotional reactivity
  • Improving focus, attention, and embodie awareness
  • Improving your general physical health & wellbeing

Ken Wallraven has over ten years of meditation practice and meditation retreat experience and will be instructing the group. Ken is currently training with the MTI.

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