Dr. Fanny Jaulin - Cell biology to understand and treat cancer - IPBS-Toulouse, Hybrid Seminar (Seminar Room)


A 11h00

IPBS-Toulouse, Hybrid Seminar (Seminar Room)

31400 Toulouse

Fanny Jaulin

Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France

Cell biology to understand and treat cancer

My lab articulates the continuum of biomedical cancer research, from fundamental questions to clinical applications. Our goal is two-fold: on one hand, we identify and decrypt fundamental properties of the cells that are hijacked by carcinoma to power their metastatic dissemination. We collaborate with physicists, engineers and biologists to perform multidisciplinary cutting-edge research in tumor cell migration. On the other hand, we establish and use tumor avatars to develop cell-based precision medicine strategies in the clinic. As a collaboration with physicians, I lead a clinical trial and a program on patient derived organoids that has recently been awarded a large fund from the French ministry of health (RHU-Organomic). Altogether, we implement cell biology approaches applied to patient specimens to build relevant knowledge and treat cancer.


  • Yonekura S, Terrisse S, Alves Costa Silva C, et al. Cancer Induces a Stress Ileopathy Depending on β-Adrenergic Receptors and Promoting Dysbiosis that Contributes to Carcinogenesis. Cancer Discov 2022;12(4):1128-1151
  • Canet-Jourdan C, Pagès DL, Nguyen-Vigouroux C, et al. Patient-derived organoids identify an apico-basolateral polarity switch associated with survival in colorectal cancer. J Cell Sci 2022;135(14)
  • Libanje F, Raingeaud J, Luan R, et al. ROCK2 inhibition triggers the collective invasion of colorectal adenocarcinomas. EMBO J 2019;38(14)
  • Zajac O, Raingeaud J, Libanje F, et al. Tumour spheres with inverted polarity drive the formation of peritoneal metastases in patients with hypermethylated colorectal carcinomas. Nat Cell Biol 2018;20(3):296-306

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