Drop-In Wine tasting with Franska Vinkompaniet - Nordic Art Gallery & Café


De 14h00 à 18h00

Nordic Art Gallery & Café

23 Rue Vauban
06600 Antibes
Welcome to a nice afternoon at the gallery on Saturday 3rd February with a new wine tasting guided by Kristina and Peter from Franska Vinkompaniet

To honor the season, this time we taste more powerful red wines
from small-scale and passionate winemakers.
Winter attracts with Mourvèdre, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah.
Try, enjoy and think about what it means that we perceive
a wine as "powerful"...

As usual, drop-in anytime between 14-18, taste and experience at your own pace, enjoy the wines with a plate of snacks à la Nordique as you learn more.

Price: 22 € including tasting of 6 wines and snacks, cheque or cash please. Special price for members of Svenska Rivieraklubben and Rivieran Suomi-seura apply

Warm welcome!

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