GI Interventional Endoscopy - Institut Paoli-Calmettes

Du au

De 08h00 à 18h00

Institut Paoli-Calmettes

232 Boulevard Sainte Marguerite
13009 Marseille
Join Dr. Giovannini and Dr. Bories for a 3-day mentoring, in Marseille, France.

The strength of the IPC is its scientific and medical excellence and advanced technology but also the constant questioning and the collaborative culture that make possible the continuous back and forth interaction between biology and clinic.

We have patient coming from all over the world and with very complexe pathologies and Cancer.

Our day by day endoscopic programm is complete and during the day with us you will be able to see all the complexe gestures we make on at least 10 patients a day.

This total immersion in our GI Endoscopy departement is the insurance to see and learn exceptional procedures and pathologies:

EUS Diagnosis
EUS Therapy
ERCP Cancer treatment
Radiotherapy endoscopic treatment
Pathology caracterization with microendoscopy

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