
De 18h00 à 23h30

Café De Paris Monte-Carlo

Place Du Casino
98000 Monte-Carlo
First time in Monaco: "Exploring our Connected Universe"
Saturday, April 14th, Salon Bellevue, Cafe de Paris, Monaco: 18h -23.30h

Want to have a deeper understanding of the leading advancements in consciousness, physics and technology, and how they explain a Connected Universe?

Join physicist, Nassim Haramein and a team of amazing scientists to learn the implications of such new frontiers in science!

Haramein is not only developing ground-breaking theories but as well applying them to evolutionary technologies. Walk away with all of your existing dots connected and your perception opened up to a whole new dimension of awareness of the entire universe.

These latest developments in unified physics are being supported with growing evidence that our universe is deeply connected, from a quantum micro-scale to a gravitational macro-scale.

Haramein who has been writing such physics has been able to bridge some of the largest gaps between cosmology and quantum physics.

His latest discoveries on the inner workings of our holographic fractal universe, ourselves, and our collective evolution will change the way you experience yourself and the world around you.

Learn about the fundamental nature of space, time, energy and matter; and how his holographic mass solution, expanded to the electron masses of all elements in the periodic table, affect our understanding of the role of consciousness and creation.

- In-depth explanations his unified field theory
- Excerpts from The Connected Universe Film
- Sneak peak of his technological developments
- Question & Answer Session

Nassim Haramein has spent over 30 years researching and discovering connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry as well as anthropology and ancient civilizations.

These studies lead Haramein to ground breaking theories, published papers and patented inventions in unified physics, which are now gaining worldwide recognition and acceptance. Haramein’s findings are focused on a fundamental geometry of space that connects us all; from the quantum and molecular scale to cosmological objects in the Universe. In Haramein’s paper, Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass, a prediction of the charge radius of the proton was confirmed with greater accuracy than any other theoretical framework. An experiment performed in 2013 by a team of scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institute, confirmed the prediction.
In 2004, Haramein founded the Resonance Science Foundation (formerly Resonance Project Foundation), whereas the Director of Research he leads physicists, mathematicians and engineers, in exploring unification principles and their implications in our world today and for future generations. In fall of 2014 Haramein began The Resonance Academy Delegate Program; the first and only unified physics program of its kind, educating thousands of students from over 90 countries around the world. In 2015 Haramein opened Torus Tech, LLC, a private laboratory where he serves as the Executive Director of Research and Development. Here, Haramein leads teams of scientists and engineers applying his revolutionary theories and patents to resonate technologies that focus on vacuum energy and gravitational effects. Production of such technologies could provide indispensable energy and open up space exploration in a completely viable and safe manner.
The Connected Universe, a feature length documentary film, was produced based on Haramein’s discoveries and their potential for generations to come.
ARK Crystals, a 25-year project of research and development by Haramein, was released October 2017. ARK crystals are a revolutionary technology that greatly boosts the body's natural ability to attune with the vitalistic and expansive zero-point field of the quantum vacuum. The zero-point field of space is a nexus of quantum entanglement, and when the body is able to attune with it, like a crystalline oscillator, it comes into harmonic resonance with this inexhaustible source of energy, coherence, and connectedness.
Nassim Haramein - http://haramein.resonance.is/
Resonance Science Foundation - http://resonance.is/
Resonance Academy - https://academy.resonance.is/
• Explorer Path (free introduction) - https://academy.resonance.is/join-explorer/
Hawaii Institute for Unified Physics - https://hiup.org/
The Connected Universe Film - http://getconnected.resonance.is/
ARK Crystals - https://arkcrystals.com/
Three other great scientists/researchers will also join Nassim:

Jorgen Tranberg, a Medical Doctor and his wife Maria Carolina, an Astronomer, have a research team using science and wisdom in what they call Micro vs Macro Cosmos - Create a Sustainable Life in Compassion.
For more information: http://www.connectuniverses.com/


Plus Dr.Katarina Mannheimers who holds a Ph D in Clinical Social Work from the University of Chicago. She specializes in the development of conciousness from the viewpoint of compassion, personality and social interaction.


• 18h00 : Arrival & welcome champagne cocktail and tapas on the roof top terrace so everyone can enjoy the view.
• 18h45: Jorgen & Caroline Tranberg talk.
• 19h15: Entrée
• 19h45: Katerina Mannheimers talk
• 20h00: Dinner
• 21h30: Nassim talk (dessert and coffee)
• 22h30: Questions and answers with Nassim and then with all speakers.
• 23h30: End

Everyone will get chance to network and chat with all the speakers, pre and post event.

Bronze Ticket: €150
Silver Ticket: €200: Sit on the same table as either (9 places) for each table.
Gold Ticket: €300 : Sit on the same table as Nassim Haramein(9 places).

RSVP and pre-payment obligatory: Contact :Beverley@BandBInternational.com
Tel: +33 6 47 74 04 03

We look forward to experiencing a wonderful conference with you with amazing speakers.

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- De 18h00 à 23h30
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