Cooking Class: Easy and Raw Gourmet with Kate Magic - Badaboom


De 14h00 à 17h00


11 Rue Francois Guisol
06300 Nice
Easy and Raw Gourmet with Kate Magic

Learn how to prepare a gourmet raw meal quickly, economically, and simply! Kate will teach you how prepare a series of various recipes and it will be your turn to assemble your own gourmet plate. Who is Kate Magic?

Who is Kate Magic?
Hi, I’m Kate Magic. I wrote the UK’s first raw food recipe book, Eat Smart Eat Raw, in 2002, and the world’s first superfood recipe book, Raw Magic, back in 2008. I have three sons, currently aged 19, 17 and 13 who I home educated, and raised on a raw vegan diet. I travel internationally teaching classes and workshops on the raw vegan lifestyle, and, last but not least, my company Raw Living is Europe’s leading resource for raw foods and superfoods.

I believe we are all on a journey in this life, and it’s a journey of self-love. It’s about stepping out of our programming, which is restrictive and limiting, and teaches us to play safe, act small, believe in scarcity, and believe that the world is a hostile and dangerous place. The real reason we are here is to not to accumulate possessions or power, but to learn to connect with who we truly are and what we want in our lives, what makes our hearts sing and our spirits soar. We need to understand that the universe loves it when we take risks, when we push ourselves beyond what we believe we can achieve. We need to appreciate that the universe is an abundant and entirely benevolent co-creator in our lives.

To me, food is one of the primary ways we can facilitate this magical journey. By choosing to honour our bodies and only put the best of what this planet has to offer inside of ourselves, we are exalting ourselves. I am passionate about seeking out the most life-giving, life-affirming foods on our planet and creating next-level dishes with them for myself, my family and my friends. I get so much joy from sharing this food and these ideas with as many people as I possibly can, and watching the transformations that occur as people realise possibilities and potentials that they hadn’t been able to see before they stepped onto this path.

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