Itaewon est un quartier de Séoul notamment connu pour être fréquenté, depuis la fin de la guerre de Corée, par les soldats américains postés dans la base militaire voisine. ITAEWON, le film, dresse le portrait de trois femmes coréennes, Sam-sook, Niki et Young-hwa, qui y vivent depuis des décennies. Elles ont pour point commun d’avoir toutes trois travaillé dans le milieu des bars nocturnes du quartier, que ce soit dans leur jeunesse, ou aujourd’hui encore.
Co-founder of the Alternative Cultural Club, Girls Play Girls. KANGYU Ga-ram was the assistant director and film distributor for the feature-film documentary . The director was awarded the 3rd DMZ International Documentary Film Festival – Best Korean Documentary Award for her film , which depicts familyism and real estate problems prevalent in Korean society in 2011. In 2013, she collaborated with female documentary filmmakers for a joint production of the feature-length documentary , a film about women’s abortion. She also finished her production of , a feature-length documentary about the lives of women who have been living in a U.S. military town and the changes they go through, in 2016.
2016 - 98 min
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