Du au

De 09h00 à 20h00


Espace Altura - 46 Rue Saint-Antoine
75004 Paris
Dear fellows,
I am proud to share with you a new development for our Association dedicated to Value high-quality Agricultural Products (AVPA): we are launching this spring a new "Teas of the World" International Contest, focused on whole leaf, single-origin teas. If I may introduce its specificity:
What makes this Contest different?
• The judges committee comprises French industry experts and consumers;
• Judgment is based on 2 different steepings (European-style + Chinese-style), and rewards character more than consensus — all teas have their chances;
• Teas are classified in categories defined by the experts, so as to compare only what's comparable (awards are to be won in each category);
• Winners may work with the association to set up an event in France or their own country to promote the awarded teas and their producers.

What's the goal of an AVPA award?
• To increase the value of your teas on local, national and international markets, thanks to the recognition of a consumer country renowned for its value added (the brand 'France' increases the price of teas by 15% on average, according to Euromonitor);
• To build up the pride and commitment of your workforce;
• To foster the trust of administrative and financial partners.
• To compare your teas with other teas of excellence
Important dates
• May 4th: reception deadline for samples and registration forms
• June 26th: award ceremony in Paris
Your questions are most welcome, as well as your participation!

More details on www.avpa.fr !

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