"Ce fut une très belle soirée. Robert est débordant d'énergie, il a su capter quelques travers des parisiens et nous démontre l'absurdité de certaines de nos expressions, entre autres... Le show est tout à fait accessible sans pour autant être bilingue. A voir absolument ! "
écrit le 31/12/16 , a vu cet évènement avec BilletReduc
Le stand-up comedy en anglais à Paris!
Growning up in America, Robert was always a fish out of water, so he loves living in Paris because he finally feels at home! Arriving as a sans papier and working as, first a dish washer, then a yoga teacher, and now as co-writer on the new hit TV show on Canal Plus, entitled WHAT THE F&*K FRANCE.
Robert has many stories to share and hopes the young can laugh and learn from his mistakes. Follow Robert on his journey of integrating into Parisian culture on his own terms. Luckily for you it was never easy for him.
- If you have ever had a bill collector (hussier) threaten you to pay for your daughters school lunches, even though you don't have a daughter.
- If the URSSAF ever send you a facture for 26 thousand euros...in error.
What's it like to be zen with Parisians, to have Bi-National Children, a French Wife, take the Parisian metro, traffic, scooters, and living in the '93 ? Find out what makes Robert Hoehn, the most Parisian American !
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