Du au

De 21h00 à 01h30

Les Nautes

1 Quai Des Célestins
75004 Paris


Percussionist, Dj and producer, Shadi Khries is contributor of Acid Arab since 2013 and has just released the album KING GHAZI with Gilb'r on Versatile Records. Since 2016 he is also a Dj resident of Station Endlos crew in Germany.
Inspired by the atmosphere of jordanian desert, his Dj set - Arabic Techno Sound - is a hypnotic mix of traditional Middle Eastern music and electronic tones. He has founded the Wadi Rum Electro Festival in 2016 and played King Ghazi Dj/Live set with Gilb'r at Nuits sonores 2017.☽



Les Nautes
1, quai des Célestins (en face du 24)
En métro : Saint-Paul (ligne 1) & Sully-Morland (ligne 7)

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