
De 19h00 à 23h30


9 Rue Biscornet
75012 Paris
THE HOMESICK (Noise pop – Sub Pop Records – Dokkum, NLD) If their debut Youth Hunt marked The Homesick’s tryst with faith and pastoral life, the band’s second album The Big Exercise brings them to more grounded, tangible pastures. With its title ripped from a passage in the Scott Walker-biography Deep Shade Of Blue, the record is a concentrated effort by Jaap van der Velde, Erik Woudwijk and Elias Elgersma to explore the physicality of their music in fresh ways. - http://www.thehomesick.online - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXwlSPDsGdw POP CRIMES (Paris - Indie Pop - Howlin' Banana Rds, Safe From The Rain - Paris) Après des débuts que l'on pourrait dire très influencés par des groupes du label Sarah Records et ayant un penchant certain pour la scène (ils jouent avec Dignan Porch, Murder Capital et et Justin Sullivan (Batteur de Flatworms et Kevin Morby) entre autres), le groupe profite de l'année 2020 pour se concentrer davantage sur le studio. L’EP, Up To The Moon, sorti chez Howlin Banana Records et Safe In The Rain, est une ode à la lune et à l'univers, à la découverte et aux choses non connues. Mais c'est aussi et surtout une ode à la poésie, aux rêves et à l'immatériel. - https://youtu.be/FNk60Vd0bN0 HUGS OF THE SKY (Psychedelic rock – Belgique) Hugs of the Sky is a Belgian psychedelic rock band that originated as a fusion between two bands on the "Limburgish countryside". After releasing their first 3 albums within a year and touring Europe like a whirlwind, they were invited as a support act for The Sisters of Mercy. Their next LP "Tangerine Boredom Delusion" is scheduled for 22.02.2022 and it was mastered by Joe Carra (POND, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard...). On their 4th release they're going back to their very essence: Queens of the Stone Age high on LSD or the prophetic description which carried them all along "psychedelic shit for all your post-apocalyptic balloon parties". - https://youtu.be/dAZHam-7IYo

The Homesick

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