[I&E Talks – 17/02/2021] Patrig Droumaguet – Engineer - Evénement en ligne


De 13h00 à 14h00

Evénement en ligne


We have the pleasure to welcome Patrig Droumaguet on Febuary 17th at 13h (CET).

Link to register: [http://tiny.cc/7ol7tz](http://tiny.cc/7ol7tz)

Link to connect: [http://tiny.cc/itbbtz](http://tiny.cc/itbbtz)

Password: 312069

Patrig Droumaguet, 45, worked in a large group such as IBM, but also as an engineer-partner of an innovative SME, QWAM Content Intelligence, as well as an independent entrepreneur. After general engineering education (Hautes Études d'Ingénieur, Lille, 1998), he acquired 10 years of experience in the world of editorial computing at La Tribune. He, then, specialized in the valuation of textual data: mass recovery of heterogeneous information, analysis of discussed topics, automatic cross-checking of information… In a word everything useful to work basis for Big Data.

But if the technical and scientific background was an essential element in carrying out projects for his clients, Patrig Droumaguet relied on the development of his creativity, especially in the fields of music and graphics, as well as on the interest in science in general. It is by nurturing this creativity through self-training and personal projects that it is possible to go beyond the technique and have the necessary open-mindedness to fulfill the tasks of a real engineer.

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