Séminaire Ecobio - Nadège Belouard (Ecobio), suivi d'une présentation du réseau Recolnat et de l'infrastructure de recherche Dissco (de 14h15 à 15h) - Observatoire Des Sciences De L'Univers De Rennes (OSUR)


A 13h00

Observatoire Des Sciences De L'Univers De Rennes (OSUR)

35703 Rennes

Genetics and demography influence the fate of species spreading outside of their original range due to global changes. Building effective management strategies against biological invasions requires a fine understanding of spread characteristics and changes occurring along species spread. The spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is an invasive pest that has colonized more than 10 US States in less than 10 years. This conspicuous planthopper has the potential to cause billions of dollars in damage to the wine, timber and ornamental plant industries due to its phloemfeeding diet. Analyses of occurrence and genetic data, as well as morphological and biological traits, revealed multiple unanticipated spread characteristics, and changes that already occurred along the invasion and may affect future spread. We better learn before it reaches the French coast!

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