Dr. Alvaro Baeza Garcia - Regulation of T cell inflammatory responses by the members of the MIF cytokine family - IPBS-Toulouse, Hybrid Seminar (Seminar Room)


A 11h00

IPBS-Toulouse, Hybrid Seminar (Seminar Room)

31400 Toulouse

Dr. Alvaro Baeza Garcia

Inserm UMR1231, Dijon, France

Regulation of T cell inflammatory responses by the members of the MIF cytokine family

Selected publications

  • Baeza Garcia A, Pierce RJ, Gourbal B, Werkmeister E, Colinet D, Reichhart J-M, et al. Involvement of the Cytokine MIF in the Snail Host Immune Response to the Parasite Schistosoma mansoni. PLOS Pathogens 2010
  • Baeza Garcia A, Siu E, Sun T, Exler V, Brito L, Hekele A, et al. Neutralization of the Plasmodium encoded MIF ortholog confers protective immunity against malaria infection. Nature Communications 2018
  • Baeza Garcia A*, Siu E, Leng L,Du X, Howland WS, Rénia L, Lolis L, Bucala R*. Suppression of a Plasmodium-directed Host Survival Pathway Protects Against Severe Malaria FASEB J 2021 *Equal contribution /Co-corresponding authors
  • Vinokurova D, Atandjo M, Pignol C, Donelly S, Leng L, Bucala R, Baeza Garcia A*, Apetoh L*. The pro-inflammatory cytokine MIF induces Th9 cells differentiation and anti-tumor activity. *Co-senior authors, equal contribution | Submitted

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