PCC do the pavé: Paris Roubaix weekend 2018 - Roubaix Velodrome

Du au

De 09h00 à 14h00

Roubaix Velodrome

Avenue Du Parc Des Sports
59100 Hem
"The hell of the north". The most unique race in the cycling calendar where the crowd hope for bad weather and terrible conditions for the riders. The route over old farm tracks and country lanes are mostly closed to traffic so this is a rare chance to ride over this classic course.

Roubaix is one of the easiest races to get to from Calais. Over one weekend you can ride the sportive to give you a unique insight into the pro race, then watch the peloton the next day in the best one day race in the world.


What are PCC doing:
Robert and Paul S are going to sign up for the sportife, most likely for the medium route which still takes in the Arenberg.

Travel is TBC, but we are considering cycling there from London, via Dover/Dunkirk ferry (assuming we can get the time off work).
Eurostar back.

We'll be there on Friday, for the ride on Sunday, and to watch the pro race on the Sunday.

Monday return is likely, but a Sunday night return via Lille Eurostar is also possible for those not wanting to take any time off work.

It should be a great weekend, whether or not you actually want to ride the cobbles. The pro race is certainly one for the bucket list!

If you're interested in joining for the trip please message Robert Whitworth by November 17th and we can work out what we're catering for in terms of accommodation and travel. We'll be trying to do this one on a bit of a budget.

United we roll!

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