
De 19h30 à 23h00


2 Rue Des Taillandiers
75011 Paris

Regular : 18€ - Early : 16€ - Late : 20€

________________________ NOS TARIFS : Préventes : 16€/18€/20€ hors frais de billetterie Entrée sur place : 20€ Stella Zekri & Ed Longo have a common passion for old forgotten records that we enjoy dusting off. Both of them are DJ collectors and have scoured the record shops as much as the dancefloors. The meeting between the two artists sparked off and after a few studio sessions, the idea of producing an album was born. With a shared interest in Outer-National music, a common love for the french multicultural productions of the 80s and an insatiable desire to innovate won out. The album « Détends-Toi » was released in the summer of 2022 on the new Cosmic Romance Records label. The members of the band created especially for this occasion, have their roots all around the world: German, French, Italian, and Latin-American – they all give the project an original flavor. Their sound pays tributé to the Zouk and Boogie of the 80’s, seen through the glasses of the Paris underground, and recontextualised to today’s scene. Stella’s slightly broken voice and the fiery verses give the project a sensual dimension. The chemistry between the musicians persists, even after the project is completed and rehearsals follow one another. It is time for the group to perform on festival stages to set the summer ablaze.

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