Yin Yoga – Flow for the Hips / Flow pour les hanches
Loosen tight hips, improve your range of motion and circulation, help alleviate back pain and more.
Join me for a 2hr Yin Yoga practice focusing on opening the hips in all directions. Perfect for tight hips with options for flexible hips too, we will increase flexibility and energise the liver/gallbladder and kidney/urinary bladder meridians by stretching these body parts deeply, holding the postures for 3-5 minutes and longer, helping to balance excessive moodiness, irritability, anger and frustration and bring chi (life force) to your joints and tissues.
Suitable for all levels, from beginner to experienced. **pregnant ladies** feel welcome to join and we can adjust any posture that doesn’t feel comfortable for you and baby.
Participation: 40€
[email protected]
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