Storytelling and the Human Library - Enseirb-Matmeca


De 10h00 à 13h00


1 Avenue Du Docteur Albert Schweitzer
33402 Talence
About the Workshop

For our November workshop, TESOL France Bordeaux will invite Debbie West to take a look at storytelling skills and activities in the classroom. Storytelling doesn't just have to be about weaving a tale. It can be a skill which further enhances speaking and presentation techniques in English. As there are many ways of telling stories, there are also many ways to use this skill to help students overcome shyness, give structure to content, enhance self confidence, use the power of their voice and improve public speaking skills in English (or any language).

Within the context of storytelling, we will specifically look at the Human Library and what it challenges. The website of the nonprofit explains, "The human library is designed to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. The Human Library is the place where real people are on loan to readers. A place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered."

In the language learning classroom, the Human Library, can serve as a storytelling activity as it helps give a platform of exchange. Debbie will show us how she has used it in her classes to encourage the imagination of students through storytelling while implementing vocabulary. Additionally, these methods can be used to help students tell their own stories. What is it that they would like others to know about them but were too afraid to mention? When our students can own what is theirs and have others accept it, this becomes a vehicle for change and transforms what they feel they can share. Creativity and ownership are incredibly powerful ways to encourage our students to relate language learning to their lives and to those around them.

About the Speaker

Debbie West is a UC Berkeley graduate and was brought up in a military family.
She has done almost everything from teaching French to being an International Student Advisor in the United States. She now teaches English to all levels and ages here in France. Presently she is the past President of Tesol France and the Paris workshop coordinator. An educator at heart, she sees education as broader than in a classroom and is definitely not very traditional in her methods. She encourages people to get real life experience speaking the language they study. Debbie thinks that all teachers have great potential to be great leaders in and out of the classroom. You can find out more about Debbie at

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