Inspired by the works of Nikolai Gogol, ‘Cocooned in Kazan’ explores the complexities of an indecisive man, infamous for jilting young brides. He yearns to fill the void of his beloved mother and to claim the large inheritance she left him, which he can only receive once ‘happily’ married. The pressure is on for both him and his ‘loyal’ servant to find the right suitor, all before the leaves of autumn begin to fall. Throughout this chaotic rat-race we see the hardships of a man whose reputation precedes him in a quest for marriage.
“Side-splitting physical comedy”- Chicago Tribune
“Dirty, brassy, straight-from-the-gut theater”- Indy Star
Fringe Favourite-Limerick Fringe 2017
Outstanding Physical Theatre– San Diego Fringe 2016
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